Our Privacy Notice

Mexico City, May 09, 2024

Last updated: June 23, 2023

1. Responsible Party for the Protection of Your Personal Data

Indimetropolitana, S.A. de C.V. ("Indigo Translations"), with domicile at Avenida Presidente Masaryk #101 - 32, Colonia Polanco, Alcaldia Miguel Hidalgo, CDMX, Mexico, 11560, is responsible for the processing of your personal data, and for use and protection thereof, in compliance with the provisions set forth under the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de Particulares) (the "Data Privacy Law"), the Regulations of the Data Privacy Law (Reglamento de la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de Particulares) (the "Regulations"), and the Guidelines for Privacy Notices. Indigo Translations provides this privacy notice (the "Notice") to inform you about the terms and conditions for processing personal data.

To contact us, please dial the following phone number and ask to be connected to Indigo Translations: +52 55 5557 4260 or send an email to the following address: info@indigo-translations.com.mx

Within three calendar days from the date you were informed of this Notice, or in case of any revisions to this Notice, you must express your objection to the processing your personal data by Indigo Translations by sending an email to the address set forth above. Once the aforementioned term has elapsed, silence will be understood by Indigo Translations as tacit acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth under this Notice.

2. Purpose and Use of Your Personal Data

Indigo Translations collects your personal data for professional, academic, and administrative purposes related to interpretation, translation, localization and back-office-related services (the "Services") as well as for the promotion of the Services provided by Indigo Translations. Additionally, the data collected by Indigo Translations may be used to communicate with you or your authorized agents, representatives, collaborators and/or employees when Indigo Translations is providing you Services. In relation to the above, Indigo Translations may require from you, without limitation, (i) name, (ii) address, (iii) email address and phone number, (iv) billing information, and any other information relevant to provide the Services timely and diligently, as well as for the promotion thereof.

Indigo Translations has implemented sufficient security measures to protect the confidentiality and security of your personal data to restrict access to unauthorized individuals. Furthermore, our employees, representatives, contractors, consultants, and/or third parties involved in any phase of the processing of your personal data will maintain confidentiality regarding such infomation, and this obligation will remain in effect even after the relation with these individuals has been terminated.

Notwithstanding the above, please note that this Notice may undergo revisions, amendments, changes, or updates resulting from new legal requirements,  our privacy practices, or other assumptions. In this regard, we commit to keeping you informed about any changes that may occur to this Notice through our website www.indigotranslations.com.mx.

According to Article 68 of the Regulations and Article 36 of the Data Privacy Law, by accepting this Notice, you allow and authorize any transfer of personal data that Indigo Translations may carry out between its subsidiaries, affiliates, related parties, suppliers, or clients. Likewise, the transfers made will always comply with the provisions of Articles 36 of the Data Privacy Law and 68 of the Regulations.

3. Obtaining Your Personal Data

To comply with the provisions set forth in the Data Privacy Law and for the purposes set forth in this Notice, we hereby inform you that we may collect your personal data in different means:

(i) The personal data we may collect directly are those provided by you (either orally or in writing), such as your name, telephone number, addresses (both home and office), billing information, among others.

(ii) The personal data that we may collect when you visit our website may include your name, email address, addresses (both home and office), billing information, among others.

(iii) The personal data that we may obtain through other means permitted by applicable legislation are those obtained from directories, databases, or resolutions issued by competent authorities authorized for this purpose, such as name, workplace, position, email address, and information related to the source (company) of your work, among others.

4. Treatment of Sensitive Personal Data

Indigo Translations does not collect sensitive personal data (as defined in Section VI of Article 3 of the Data Privacy Law). However, if we were to obtain such data through any action, fact, or circumstance, we commit to treat such data with the strictest security measures to ensure confidentiality thereof.

5. Limitation of Use or Disclosure of Personal Data

Indigo Translations will not use your personal data for purposes other than those set forth in this Notice.

6. Rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation, and Objection regarding Personal Data

You have the right to eliminate your personal data from our records when you consider that they are not necessary for the purposes set forth in this Notice or when the relation between you and Indigo Translations has been terminated. You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for specific purposes. You have the right to access your personal data collected by us at any time during business hours. Likewise, you have the right to rectify them if your personal data is incomplete or inaccurate.

To exercise any of the rights set forth in this Notice, you must submit a request to the following email address: info@indigo-translations.com.mx, addressed to the person in charge of Client Relations, providing the following information: (i) your name and address to receive the response to the request, (ii) the documents necessary to prove the identity of the data subject or, if applicable, of the legal representative thereof with sufficient and necessary powers for such purpose, (iii) a clear and precise description of the personal data to which any of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and/or objection are to be exercised, and (iv) any other document or element that facilitates the location of the personal data subject to the exercise of any of the aforementioned rights.

If the request is related to the exercise of the right to rectify personal data, in addition to the information set forth above, the data subject must describe the data to be rectified and include the information and documents that support the request.

Indigo Translations must respond to the request described in the two paragraphs above at the email address provided by the client for such purposes within a period not exceeding twenty calendar days from the date of receipt of such request. Once all the requirements have been met, Indigo Translations must comply with the requests of the data subject regarding the exercise of the corresponding right (whether it is access, rectification, cancellation, or objection) within a period not exceeding fifteen calendar days from the day on which the response to the data subject was sent, indicating that the aforementioned requirements have been met.

7. Revocation or Limitation of Authorization for the Processing of Personal Data

At any time, you may revoke your authorization, access your personal data, or limit the use or disclosure granted for the processing of your personal data by sending an email to the following address: info@indigo-translations.com.mx, addressed to the person in charge of Client Relations, providing the following information: (i)  name and address to receive the response to the request, (ii) the documents necessary to prove the identity of the data subject or, if applicable, of their legal representative with sufficient and necessary powers for the applicable purposes, (iii) a clear and precise description of the personal data for which cancellation or access is required, and (iv) any other document or element that facilitates the location of the personal data subject to the aforementioned cancellation.

Indigo Translations must respond, to the address or email address provided by the client for such purposes, to the request set forth in the preceding two paragraphs within a period not exceeding twenty calendar days from the receipt of such request. In the event that the request described in the preceding paragraph complies with the requirements described above, Indigo Translations must give a response notifying the revocation of the authorization for the processing of personal data, which must be effected within a period not exceeding 15 calendar days from the day of the respective response to the person concerned.

8. Amendments to the Privacy Notice

Indigo Translations hereby reserves the right to revise or update to this Privacy Notice to comply with new legal provisions, new internal policies, or requirements from any competent authority. These amendments and/or revisions will be published through the same means immediately after they become effective.

9. Complaints and Reports

If you believe that your personal data protection rights have been breached by any member of our team or any of the requirements set forth in the Data Privacy Law are not being complied with, you may file a complaint or report to the email address of the Federal Institute for Access to Information and Data Protection (Instituto Federal de Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos).